It is with great pride and excitement that I reflect on the incredible milestones that RICHeS has achieved. The successful launch of the RICHeS Programme at STFC Daresbury Laboratory was a landmark event, uniting researchers, heritage science enthusiasts and wider stakeholders from across the UK.
We also introduced the Heritage Science Data Service (HSDS), our research data service, a platform designed to enhance data access and sharing, and launched the RICHeS website to connect our community with essential resources. Our governance structure is now in place, ensuring robust oversight and strategic direction. Additionally, we are excited to welcome three new members to our team, who bring additional perspectives and expertise to RICHeS IHQ.
Our calendar is brimming with events and activities that continue to showcase the impact, potential and innovation of RICHeS and its supported projects. We invite you to explore these highlights and join us in shaping the future of heritage science in the UK.
With best wishes,
Professor Meggen Gondek, Head of RICHeS
Launch of the RICHeS Programme
The Research Infrastructure for Conservation and Heritage Science (RICHeS) was officially launched on Tuesday 1 October from its new headquarters at STFC Daresbury Laboratory. With over 180 attendees participating in person and online, the event marked a pivotal moment for the UK’s heritage science community.
The launch event was a vibrant and inspiring celebration, featuring presentations and a panel discussion with representatives from key heritage science organisations. The event celebrated the first tranche of 31 projects, who are developing new fixed and mobile facilities and improving access to invaluable research collections across the four nations of the UK. These projects also a include a new full-time staff member to ensure seamless access and management of the new resources.
Keynote speaker: Professor Alice Roberts
Professor Alice Roberts delivered an inspiring keynote speech, captivating the audience with her insights into the intersection of science, heritage and the community. Her address underscored the importance of RICHeS in driving innovation and fostering collaboration across the conservation and heritage science sector.
Meili Li Performance
Meili Li is currently on the CounterTenor Project, hosted by the Royal Shakespeare Company as part of their AHRC-funded Future Performance Institute programme. During the afternoon interval we enjoyed the performance of a number of songs including:
- Flow, my tears, from The Second Book of Songes (1600)
- Weep you no more, sad fountains, from The Third Book of Songes (1603)
- Come again, sweet love, from The Firste Booke of Songes (1597)
STFC Facility Tours

Attendees had the opportunity of touring and experiencing some of STFC’s exciting facilities including:
- The Hartree Centre
- The Campus Technology Hub
- The Accelerator Science and Technology Centre (ASTeC)
RICHeS: When science meets heritage and conservation
Want to hear more about RICHeS and see more from the Launch event? Please watch this short video below: